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RocketDriver Pro


RocketDriver Pro is a game framework for Unity engine

RocketDriver Pro

This is a game development framework to assist in the development of game applications in the Unity engine.
You can purchase it in the Unity Asset Store and download the plugin package in the Unity Package Manager and use it in Unity.

The Beta Version is provided here, Please do not use the beta version for commercial projects.
Beta version: Download

For other questions,, please contact xuzhuoxi@gmail.com or mailxuzhuoxi@163.com

Learn more

What is RocketDriver Pro?

RocketDriver Pro is a powerful game development framework under the Unity engine. Others include a lot of functional support that must be used in the game development process, such as “event management”, “asset loading management”, “internationalization support” and so on.
Using RocketDriver Pro can help developers save a lot of basic function development time, and can focus more on game content.

Easy to install and configure

The installation process completely follows the installation process of the Unity plug-in package, which is very simple.
Provides direct menu options for the configuration of related modules, and supports Chinese and English Tips for configuration files, effectively helping developers understand the configuration content.

Provides source code and supports multiple platforms

With the purchase of RocketDriver Pro, you will get the full source code of the plugin package.
The code has good platform compatibility, no need to worry about compatibility whether it is released for stand-alone or Mobile.

Compatible with common rendering pipelines

RocketDriver Pro supports Built-in Render Pipeline (Built-in), Universal Render Pipeline (URP), High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP).

Long-team upgrade support

Also as a game developer, RocketDriver Pro will receive long-term maintenance support.